Thursday, August 19, 2010


Yesterday I tweeted everyone who inspires me in my work and my everyday life and I mentioned Estevan Oriol. If you don't know who that is, He is a very Talented Photographer from L.A. Trust me I can pretty much guaranty you have seen his work before. To me he is kind of more then a photographer, to me he is an inspiration and a perfect example that you can come from the hood and be a success with out selling dope or other illegal ventures. I Love Taking Photos and just looking at what he does gives me hope that one day I know I can be like him! These are just some of his work.
Follow him on twitter at
"Cheap Photos Arent Good, And Good Photos Arent Cheap" -Estevan Oriol

This is a video of him just explaining what he does

Yuup He Took this photo for the movies poster!


R.I.P. Dennis Hopper

This is a video of some of the projects him and Soul Assassins have done

Money Mayweather!

Get Some

Yuuup how many times have you seen this photo and didnt know it was a photo Estevan took

R.I.P. Proof

Yes Estevan is the one who took this picture a long ass time ago then everyone started to steal his shit!

1 comment:

wreck advantage said...

Good one. Word, Estevan is an inspiration to many, even if they don't know it.

Peace from TX